Link existing Facebook page to Facebook app.

This is a short guide on how to add an existing Facebook page to a Facebook app. I wrote this post because it took me a while to figure out how to do this and I’m guessing that others will probably end up in the same boat as me.

App Dashboard.

In the Advanced Settings section of the Facebook App Dashboard, there is an option called “Create Page”. This option allows you to create a page for your app.

If you are like me, then you probably created the page for your app the regular way and now you’re fumbling around and looking for a way to link them. Fortunately, there is a solution.

Page Category.

Edit your Facebook page’s information and make sure that the category is set to “App”. Do not use any other categories. I had my page set to “App” and “Entertainment Website” for a long time before I realized this. The Facebook App Dashboard will only play ball if you use “App” by itself. Nothing else can be added.

Page Name.

The name of your app and the name of your page will need to be identical. This means that you will not be able to link your online dating app with “Joe’s BBQ Diner”. i.e. If the app is called “Pool World”, then your page will have to be called “Pool World” as well.

Once you have made the above changes, go back into the Advanced Settings of your App Dashboard. If everything is correct, you will see an option to link your Facebook app to an existing page.

Note that this still works as of September, 2020.