This is a short guide on how to check if a PHP class exists or not. This can be particularly handy if your code needs to detect whether certain PHP extensions are not installed or not.
Memcached is a memory caching system that allows you to cache the results of database queries. As a result, it can significantly speed up page load times.
In my case, I needed to detect whether the Memcache class was defined or not. If the class was not defined, I needed the caching mechanism in my script to fail gracefully.
Basically: If Memcache exists, “Great, let’s cache the results!” If not, “Well, OK then, let’s just power on regardless.”
The class_exists function.
Thankfully, PHP has a helpful function called class_exists, which allows you to check if a certain class has been defined or not.
Below, you will find an example of this function being used:
//Set it to FALSE by default. $memcache = false; //Check to see if a PHP class called Memcache exists. if(class_exists('Memcache')){ //It exists - attempt to connect. $memcache = new Memcache; $memcache->connect('', 11211); }
In the code above, I assume that the Memcache extension has not been installed unless the class_exists function proves me wrong.