Snapchat: How to remove someone from your Private Story.

In a previous guide, we wrote about how to create a Private Story on Snapchat.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to remove someone from your private story.

OK, so you added someone to your private story by mistake. Or maybe you have come to the conclusion that one of your followers is no longer worthy of seeing your private snaps.

Either way, it doesn’t matter. The time has come to remove this person and cast them back out into the wilderness. Let’s do this.

1. Click on your Snapchat profile and find your Private Story.

Firstly, you will need to navigate to your Snapchat profile and find the Stories section. In the Stories section, locate your private story and then click on the three dots (ellipses) on the right:

Remove someone from your private story.

In the screenshot above, you can see that I have a private story called “Work.” Your story will most likely have a different name.

2. Click on “See Viewers”

Once you have clicked on the three dots, a pop-up menu will appear. This menu will have several options, such as “Delete Story”, “Name Story” and “Auto-Save Snaps to Memories.”

In our case, we want to click on the “See Viewers” option.

See Viewers - Private Story

At the time of writing (2020), this option was located underneath Name Story.

3. Untick anyone you want to remove from your story and press Save.

At this stage, you will be brought to a menu called Story viewers. This section allows you to manage which friends can see your Private Story.

At the top of the page, you will find a list of people who are currently allowed to see your story.

To remove someone from the list, simply tap on their name so that the blue tick disappears:

Story Viewers

“Select who you want to see the Snaps you add to your Private Story.”

Once you have unticked / unchecked the person’s name, scroll down to the bottom of the page and press the blue Save button.

And that’s it! The person that you removed will no longer be able to view any future snaps that you add to your private story.

However, they will be able to see anything that is currently on it. If that is an issue for you, then I suggest that you simply delete the snap in question.

Related: Can you kick someone out of a Snapchat group?